3/7/2020 1 Comment Good luck, everyone....Pub people are, by nature, resilient. Tough, no-nonsense, hard-grafters who know how to run a business on 4 hours sleep a night and still have a laugh.
Most have kept themselves busy during lockdown - repainting, planting, washing, re-designing. They've pivoted their businesses to deliveries, takeaways, shops and grappled with technology in a way and at a speed that they never expected. The pub is, after all, the original social network, where likes and follows happen in real-life and not on a screen. They've been welcoming their teams back with open (distant) arms, learning the new regs, re-stocking, getting ready to once again be the beating heart of their community. But the last couple of weeks I've seen a complete sea-change in many who, up until now, have been putting a brave face on. Apprehension at how their re-opening plans will pan out. Fear of their business going under. Heartbreak at having to pour barrels and barrels of beer away. Sheer frustration at the communications from central government (did someone say 'last-minute'?). But if you want an impossible situation sorting, an insurmountable problem resolved, a laugh to be found amid a sea of despair, there is absolutely no people better equipped to do that than pub people. Pubs are going to be under immense pressure in every possible way, and in ways that other industries are not, but the alternative is stark. The industry can't fail, too many jobs rely on it. I really hope that people on social media support their local pubs like never before. They won't be the same - but nothing is, right now. Good luck to every single one of you. "The best way out is through."
1 Comment
ElaineI understand pubs and I understand social media. This is a personal blog and doesn't necessarily reflect the views of any persons or companies I work with/for. You can reach me at [email protected] ArchivesCategoriesAll Closing Confidence Crisis Customer Reopening Re Opening Social Media Video |